As the central authority responsible for the promotion and coordination of policies and actions against trafficking in human beings, with specific regard to a human rights and victim-centred approach, the Department for Equal Opportunities of the Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers is currently considered as Italy’s Equivalent Mechanism on Trafficking in Human Beings. Moreover, since January 2011, the DEO has been acting also as the national observatory on trafficking in human beings. As such, it gathers documents and reports on THB, information on the national and international legal framework, as well as reference documents and judgments on a specific website providing a secure area on data collection where registered NGOs and local authorities working in this field can have access to enter information on trafficked persons assisted within the framework of the national assistance programmes co-funded by the State. The Department for Equal Opportunities of the Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers uses a special database (the so-called SIRIT – Sistema Informatizzato di Raccolta Informazioni sulla Tratta – Computerized System for the Collection of Information on Trafficking in Human Beings) to monitor the phenomenon.