The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Belgrade is accredited for the territory of the Republic of Serbia.
Bilateral development cooperation has been expanded to the European dimension and many projects focus, among other things, on the transfer of technical know-how, transfer of experience with the economic transformation process, as well as the provision of the necessary technical assistance related to future EU accession.
Currently, projects are still being implemented in sectors that have proven successful in the previous period, ie. healthcare, water supply and utilities, energy, and the SME support sector. In the future, greater importance will be given to the commercial continuity of previously implemented projects, as well as to the broader access of Czech companies and companies to EU-funded projects through IPA funds.
In addition to the aforementioned bilateral ZRS projects (comprising about 70 percent of the total ZRS funding), other forms of ZRS are also projects of transformational cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, providing scholarships to students from abroad, projects implemented under the program "Support for development activities of cities and regions in priority countries ”, then the so-called small local projects under the responsibility of the Embassy, projects from the Aid for Trade program, and a number of others.
Since 2013, projects under the Development and Economic Cooperation Program of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic have been implemented, with the immediate aim of supporting the cooperation of Czech businesses with local partners in developing countries through the transfer of knowledge and modern technologies.
More detailed information on the projects can be found on the website of the Czech Development Agency (CRA), which since the beginning of 2008 has been functioning as the implementing agency for new ZRS CR projects. More detailed information on the principles of the ZRS implementation, as well as on all strategic documents of the Czech government regarding this issue, can be found on the website of the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs.