The National Property Administration System SINAP is an effort by the Government of Honduras to integrate territorial development management, through a national geospatial information infrastructure that links the actions of public and private institutions that carry out processes related to the resource physical of the nation, in order to align the interventions, to make the services efficient and to transparent the information to the citizens and international community.
Through this national infrastructure, SINAP seeks to promote the economic and effective management of state resources, through the interventions of both the private sector, civil society and international cooperation organizations, avoiding duplication of efforts. All information that has been built or acquired with public funds is available to the different institutions that work for development. SINAP is proposed in 2003 with the creation of the Property and Land Management Laws where the main subsystems are defined.
SINAP is for the state an instrument that relates development planning at the high level with the intermediate schemes that coordinate programs in compliance with this planning; and for the local level, SINAP is the tool that the local government uses to update and execute its development plans prioritized in the territorial planning. For the citizen, SINAP is the window of access to services and information that allows it to be integrated into local economic development and citizen participation actively.