Rural Restructuring Agency is created in accordance with the Decree of Cabinet of Ministers №356 from 19th August 1998 «About the measures for accelerating project implementation «Restructuring Rural enterprises of the Republic of Uzbekistan» in reference to the loan of International Bank for Reconstruction and Development».
The main objectives of the Agency are determined as below:
• Development and realizing events in the project implement «Restructuring rural enterprises of the Republic of Uzbekistan» (The name of the project in old edition);
• Coordination of the activities of relevant ministries and authorities of the Republic of Uzbekistan and international financial institutions in the implementation of the project;
• To provide the interaction of international and foreign financial institutions involved in the project financing;
Rural Restructuring Agency under the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan is responsible for providing the effective implementation of the projects, assimilation and intended usage of the project funds according to the procedures of IFIs, as well as the timely formulation and submission of the necessary documents to the relevant authorities for the projects implementation, including the contracts of refinancing of sub-loans.