The ILO first established its Liaison Office in Myanmar in 2002 under an Understanding between the Government of the Union of Myanmar and the International Labour Office . The main role of the Liaison Officer was to support efforts for the elimination of forced labour in the country and implement strategies to address its root causes.
In February 2007 a Supplementary Understanding was also signed between the Government of the Union of Myanmar and the ILO to provide a complaints mechanism enabling victims of forced labour to seek redress.
Since June 2012, ILO’s mandate in Myanmar has broadened to encompass the full range of the decent work agenda . In September 2018, the ILO signed its first Decent Work Country Program (DWCP) for Myanmar with the Government, employers and workers organisations. The DWCP was developed on a tripartite basis signals priority areas for ILO technical support and plays a key role in assisting Myanmar to meet its commitments to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) before 2030.