SASIC provides a whole-of-state-government focal point for both local industry and international companies and organisations. With a team of staff from Defence SA, Department for Trade and Investment, and Department for Innovation and Skills, SASIC coordinates and implements industry and workforce development through initiatives, events, scholarships and an incubator program.
The space industry challenges the innovative skills of our best researchers and engineers and it inspires young people to develop the skills to push forward the frontiers of scientific knowledge.
The growth of space and sustainable defence industries in South Australia plays a key role in the State’s economic development. Capabilities and expertise are concentrated on: earth observation, satellite communications and space-based position, navigation and timing. These space enabling services support activities across a variety of sectors including communication, environmental monitoring and mapping.
The space industry contributes to the development of other priority sectors for South Australia including defence, agriculture, mining and tourism, as well as services for the community such as health and education.