Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare (MLSW), based in Regulation No. 02/2011 for the fields of administrative responsibilities of Prime Minister Office and ministries has those competences and responsibilities:
I. To develop work and social welfare policies and draft and implement the legislation in these areas;
II. To support and promote non-discriminatory Labour relations and employment, taking into account applicable international standards of work;
III. To monitor employment and social welfare and propose active and appropriate measures to increase employment and reduce unemployment and adequate passive measures to meeting social social assistance needs for citizens in need;
IV. To support action policies and work practices of social welfare to protect families and minors;
V. To set standards for occupational safety and protection at work and supervise their implementation;
VI. To manage and supervise public administrative institutions of Labour and social welfare and cooperates with municipalities, social welfare offices and other institutions involved in the implementation of work and social welfare policies;
VII. Oversee supply and demand in the labor marker and take measures for harmonizing them;
VIII. Develop and oversee programs for professional training for unemployment persons and job seekers, for the purpose of developing human recourses and improving their chances for employment;
IX. To promote and encourage social dialogue between the social partners ( workers organizations, unions, employers organizations and Government;
X. To convene the meeting of the Economic and Social Council, as the highest advisory body of the social partners on employment, social welfare policies for the purpose of preventing and solving social conflicts, and shall represent the Government of Kosovo in this body;
XI. To provide financial assistance from the allocated funds for families and individuals in need.
XII. To manage the use and development of infrastructure relating to labor and social welfare within scope of responsibilities of this Ministry;
XIII. Administer and support the development of a social insurance system, including pensions and unemployment benefits;
XIV. Provide financial and social emergency and permanent support through the institutions established for this purpose to the citizens in need.