Our goal is to ensure equal and timely access to quality, safe medical services for organ transplantation and transfusion of donor blood and its components for citizens of Ukraine.
Main tasks
To contribute to the creation of a transplantation system in the country.
Contribute to the reduction of the mortality rate of patients with terminal diseases, the only method of treatment of which is the transplantation of organs, tissues or cells.
Increase the number of transplants.
Ensure equality in access to transplants.
Increase the efficiency of donation and transplantation.
Promote the safety of living donors and recipients.
Contribute to the improvement of treatment results and quality of life of patients on the waiting list, living donors and recipients.
To introduce a culture of donation in Ukraine, which should lead to the readiness of citizens to give consent during life or after death.
To contribute to raising the standards of education in the field of transplantology and transfusiology