The Institute for Environmental Protection and Research, ISPRA (Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale), has been established by Decree no. 112 of 25 June 2008, converted into Law no. 133 (with amendments) on 21 August 2008.
The Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA) is a public research body, with legal personality under public law, technical, scientific, organizational, financial, managerial, administrative, patrimonial and accounting autonomy.
ISPRA is supervised by the Minister of the Environment and the protection of the territory and the sea. The Minister makes use of the Institute in the exercise of its attributions, giving the general directives for the pursuit of institutional tasks.
Without prejudice to the performance of the tasks, services and activities assigned to the Institute under current legislation, within the aforementioned directives the priorities relating to further tasks are also indicated, with a view to prioritizing the functions of support to the Ministry of the Environment. and the protection of the territory and the sea.