Statistics Netherlands is responsible for collecting and processing data in order to publish statistics to be used in practice, by policymakers and for scientific research. In addition to its responsibility for (official) national statistics, Statistics Netherlands also has the task of producing European (community) statistics. The legal basis for Statistics Netherlands and its work is the Act of 20 November 2003 last amended by the Act of 15 December 2004 governing the central bureau of statistics (Statistics Netherlands). The information Statistics Netherlands publishes incorporates a multitude of societal aspects, from macro-economic indicators such as economic growth and consumer prices, to the incomes of individual people and households. Statistics Netherlands’ statistical programmes (the long-term statistical programme and the annual work programme) are set by the Central Commission for Statistics. This is an independent commission that watches over the independence, impartiality, relevance, quality and continuity of the statistical programme. The Director-General decides autonomously which methods to use to make these statistics, and whether or not to publish results.