Australian Embassy, Hanoi
Who we work with
Partnerships with a wide range of groups are essential for an effective aid program. The 17th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) highlights the need for multi-stakeholder partnerships to achieve the SDGs by 2030.
Australia works in partnership with a range of organisations, including:
Whole of government: The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) is only one of many Australian Government departments and agencies involved in delivering Official Development Assistance. Together, they provide a wide range of expertise that enables Australia to address the development, economic, security and political aspects of partner countries.
Commercial Contractors: Key to assisting the Department to achieve its outcomes, Commercial Contractors provide valuable support both domestically and internationally to the department, as well as being integral to the delivery of the Australia’s aid program.
Commercial opportunities
Private sector partnerships: Partnerships with the private sector are an important way for DFAT to achieve its aid and development objectives and maximise the overall development impact of its investments.
Bilateral partnerships: The impact and reach of Australian aid is enhanced through strong and effective bilateral partnerships with other donors. By working in partnership, we learn from and leverage one another’s experience and resources to achieve our development objectives.
Multilateral organisations: Multilateral organisations like the United Nations or World Bank extend the reach of Australia's aid program as their large size enables them to undertake projects on a scale that would not be possible for donors such as Australia. Working with the United Nations and its humanitarian agencies, Australia ensures carefully targeted programs are put in place for emergency assistance and long-term development.
Non-government organisations (NGOs): NGOs like World Vision and Oxfam maximise the impact and reach of Australian aid and are key partners in our joint efforts to encourage sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction. NGOs can bring strong connections to local communities; access to areas that others don’t or can’t reach, such as in remote, fragile and conflict affected areas; comprehensive knowledge of poverty in particular contexts and deep development expertise to the aid program.
Grant opportunities
DFAT has developed eight Value for Money principles to guide decision making and maximise the impact of programs and investments with all partners.
To find out more about Commercial and Grant funding opportunities, please visit the Tenders and business opportunities page.