Charles Zulu Agribusiness Competitiveness Expert
Last update: Nov 15, 2024
Chichewa, English, French, Portuguese, Swahili, Zulu
Highest Degree:
48 years
Angola, Bangladesh, China, Ethiopia, Ghana, Indonesia, Kosovo, Liberia, Malawi, Nigeria, Rwanda, Serbia, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tanzania, UK, Zambia, Zimbabwe
Associated Awards
Key qualifications: (Relevant to the project)
Over 40 years of experience in Impact Evaluations, MSMEs, Microfinance, Private Sector Development/Private Sector Engagement, inclusive financial systems, regulation of MFI’s, Community Economic Development, HIV/AIDS, Delivery of social services, infrastructure planning and gender mainstreaming;
Over 22 years of experience in value chain analysis especially export-oriented agricultural value chains with coffee, tea, fruit & vegetable, hide & skin, flowers, stevia, essential oils, Macadamia etc. including survey and analysis of the employment distribution within agricultural value chains;
More than 20 years of experience in measuring decent rural employment. He has an extensive track record spanning over 33 years all over the world in workforce development, Private sector development, Access to finance, financial inclusion, Microfinance and Trade.
Team Leader and key expert 1 on Enterprise Development, Rural Development, Microfinance, Modalities of value chain integration, Increased visibility at national and regional levels of program approaches (Ethiopia, 2008, IIRR 2007 to 2008, Kosovo 2004 to 2006, Limpopo South Africa 2003-2004; Bangladesh – 2002-2003;
Commonly known as a post conflict consultant because most of his assignments have been in post conflict and emerging environments in Africa and Eastern Europe;
Several successful assignments with different donors such as EU, World Bank, USAID, CIDA;
Excellent practical knowledge of EC procurement procedures, financial and reporting rules (Tech. proposals, PCM, Log frame, other methods);
Vast experience in coordinating synergy with other Donor projects;
Excellent communication and presentation skills;
Excellent analytical and policy development skills, problem solving ability to plan for short/long-term results;
Experienced in design and implementation of Project Cycle Management (South Africa, Bangladesh), Logical framework elaboration and many years of experience in EDF procedures, Private Sector Development, Private Sector Engagement, Public/Private partnerships and Microfinance;
Experience as EU Team Leader Key Expert 1 in management of multidisciplinary and multicultural teams;
Experience in preparation of action documents, feasibility studies, identification fiches, etc.