Dr. Marco Cecconi
Last update: Today
English, French, Italian, Spanish
Highest Degree:
48 years
Associated Awards
- Procurement & commissioning senior expert.
- Administration & finance.
- Team Leader, project management, senior expert ICT, administration & finance, accounting. Procurement & commissioning. office manager.
- Expert in training and development (TVET & TOT). Development of trainers skills using modern technologies and approaches.
- Organization of training courses. On-the-job training. Coordination of training activities. Engineering of training courses and curricula.
- Creation of a database of local industries. Contacts with local industries for the development of curriculum specialization.
- Project management (TA). TVET School Facilities and Equipment Specialist. Logistics. Highly computer literate (Office, Excel, Project,
- Ability to work with multi-ethnic groups and effective communication in a multi-cultural environment. "Paperless Office"
- Extended experience in collaborating with EU delegations.
- Study, evaluation and supervision of industrial development projects in emerging and developing countries.
- International tenders. Budget, proposal and budget estimate, forecast of expenses, balance sheets.
- Strong oral and written communication skills, with an excellent command of English, French and Spanish (Italian mother tongue).
- Expert in "Education Reform \ Management and Quality of Education". Drafting of project proposals for international & bilateral cooperation.
- Use of IT implementation tools for accounting, financial and administrative monitoring.
- Resident manager & project administration. Management and monitoring of projects through computer, timing & advancement stage control.
- Choice of materials and equipment. Definition of technical specifications for international bids. Designation of possible equipment suppliers
and services providers.
- Building and industrial electricity (wiring), electro-mechanical, electronics, telecommunications and ICT (networking & internet).
- Definition and organization of learning spaces (workshops, laboratories, etc..). Installation & maintenance of industrial equipment.
- Digital simulators.
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