Call updates
Jun 24, 2024 5:19:29 PM
Published: 28 September 2023
Deadline: 07 March 2024 17:00:00 Brussels time
Available budget: EUR 97.000.000
The results of the evaluation are as follows:
Number of proposals submitted (including proposals transferred from or to other calls): 158
Number of inadmissible proposals: 8
Number of ineligible proposals: 3
Number of above-threshold proposals: 79
Total budget requested for above-threshold proposals: 196.775.285,11 Eur
Number of proposals retained for funding: 38
Number of proposals in the reserve list: 5
Funding threshold: 12
(NB: proposals with the same score
were ranked according to the priority order procedure
set out in the call conditions (for HE, in the General
Annexes to the Work Programme or specific arrangements
in the specific call/topic conditions).
Ranking Distribution
Number of proposals with scores lower or equal to 15 and higher or equal to 14: 11
Number of proposals with scores lower than 14 and higher or equal to 13: 14
Number of proposals with scores lower than 13 and higher or equal to 10: 54
Summary of Independent Observer report:
The Independent Observer finds that the evaluation followed the applicable rules for the call, and that it was competently evaluated in a fair and equitable manner by the experts and continuously monitored by the Agency staff. The Independent Observer did not observe any event or activity that gave rise to specific concern that might have jeopardised the fairness of the evaluation.
The end result of the evaluation is a rank list of proposals which was agreed by all participants with 38 best ranked proposals selected for funding, within the available budget limits. All applicants will be informed shortly about the outcome of the evaluation and the grant preparation phase will start over the summer 2024 for the successful applicants.
The Independent Observer understands from interactions with the experts involved that they were generally comfortable with the process and the work schedule.
We recently informed the applicants about the evaluation results for their proposals. For questions, please contact the Research Enquiry Service.
Mar 8, 2024 4:06:35 PM
Calls HORIZON-WIDERA-2023-TALENTS-01: ERA Chairs has closed on the 07/03/2024.
158 proposals have been submitted.
Evaluation results are expected to be communicated mid-July 2024.
Jan 30, 2024 10:18:06 AM
Please note that new FAQs have been added under the FAQs section as follows:
· Under the call HORIZON-WIDERA-2023-TALENTS-01, in which part must the proposal specify the eligibility condition about the recruitment of the ERA chair holder research team? See reply
· Under the call HORIZON-WIDERA-2023-TALENTS-01, as regards the eligibility conditions of the recruitment of ERA Chair’s research team, are PhD students already enrolled at the coordinating institution considered as having a “contractual link”? See reply
· Under the call HORIZON-WIDERA-2023-TALENTS-01, considering the limit of 10% budget for research activities, where and how should the proposal indicate the budget earmarked to research activities? See reply
We strongly recommend to review carefully all FAQs published for further explanation on the call requirements.
Sep 28, 2023 12:00:02 AM
The submission session is now available for: HORIZON-WIDERA-2023-TALENTS-01-01(HORIZON-CSA)
ERA Chairs
Programme: Horizon Europe Framework Programme (HORIZON)
Type of action: HORIZON-CSA HORIZON Coordination and Support Actions
Type of MGA: HORIZON Lump Sum Grant [HORIZON-AG-LS]
Deadline model: single-stage
Planned opening date: 28 September 2023
Deadline date: 07 March 2024 17:00:00 Brussels time
Progress towards more and better links between research and innovation actors across the European Research Area and beyond is a requirement if Europe as a whole is to capitalise on excellence from across the continent. To foster brain circulation for researchers and innovators the intervention point of the ERA Chairs actions is attracting in a sustainable manner outstanding scientists and innovators to universities or research organisations in catching up countries and regions. This measure of “brain gain” and the creation of pockets of excellence has an impact on the culture and performance of host institutions.
The leadership of the ERA Chair holder and the creation of a permanent and excellent research group in the chosen scientific field will ensure excellence, visibility and better integration in the European Research Area, as well as fostering competitiveness in research funding and promoting institutional reforms aligned with ERA priorities.
Projects are expected to contribute to some of the following outcomes:
At system level:
At organisation level:
Research organisations located in Widening countries interested in establishing an ERA Chair should submit a proposal with the prospective ERA Chair holder who should be an outstanding researcher and/or innovator in the chosen scientific domain. The scientific field can be any domain of research and innovation.
The research institution in the Widening country will be the coordinator and submit a proposal as a single applicant (monobeneficiary). ERA Chair holders can be citizens of any country in the world.
Proposals should include a Curriculum Vitae in Europass form[1] of the future ERA Chair holder and detail the scientific and technical support she/he will provide to the coordinator and how the proposed activities will upgrade from the current situation. The CV should be uploaded as an additional document to the proposal.
Proposals should also describe any relevant investments of the coordinator in research projects, facilities and infrastructures and how those will be achieved and/or a better use of the installed research capacity (in particular of EU co-funded research infrastructures & facilities). Existing or foreseen arrangements for compliance with ERA priorities[2] including the European Charter for Researchers & Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers[3] are to be outlined in the proposal.
ERA Chair holders should be excellent researchers and/or innovators in the chosen field of research[4]. They should establish a research team fully integrated in the coordinator's institution to significantly improve its research performance in the scientific domain of choice and to be more successful in obtaining competitive funding. The selection of personnel to the research team is to be conducted by an international recruitment panel leaded by the ERA Chair and outlined in proposals. The ERA Chair holder should also have a position within the organisation/university, allowing her/him to make appropriate resource allocation decisions, supervise team members and freely apply for research funding. When this is compatible with the nature of the coordinator, he/she is expected to take on some teaching duties.
To allow for the assessment of the commitment of the future ERA Chair holder and of the coordinator institution, proposals must include: 1) a letter signed by the prospective ERA Chair holder expressing his/her commitment to the proposal and willingness to take on the underlying tasks and obligations; 2) a letter from the head of the coordinator institution committing to the proposal and stating that the ERA Chair holder will receive adequate support to take on her/his tasks and duties including, for example, access to research facilities, supervision of researchers, teaching duties (if any) and capacity to apply freely to national and international funding.
The ERA Chair holders might move on a temporary or permanent basis to the coordinator’s premises. To this end, secondments or any other legal arrangements (e.g., leave without pay, sabbatical licences) are possible including part-time work and multiple stays. All contractual arrangements and the timeline of ERA Chairs stays at the coordinator should be indicated in the proposal as well as the salary, travel and daily allowances and/or other perks to be offered. If, at any stage, the preferred option is an employment contract, the future contractual arrangements with the coordinator should be detailed.
To ensure the sustainability of the action, the ERA Chair research team should have conditions to thrive after the end of the Horizon Europe funding. This should be clearly demonstrated in the proposal and include the appointment of the leader of the newly created research group on a permanent basis within the coordinator organisation (to which the ERA Chair holder might apply) during the initial 3 years of the duration of the grant. This is to be conducted through an open recruitment procedure to be monitored by the European Commission.
Grants have an expected duration of up to 5 years and cover expenses related to the ERA Chair holder and a number of team members (e.g., their salaries, recruitment costs[5], administrative costs, travel and subsistence costs) and research costs up to 10% of the EU contribution. The grant should also state the measures aimed at introducing structural changes in the institution of the Widening country (e.g., costs for trainings, meetings, publications and managing Intellectual Property Rights (IPR).
Specific attention should be paid to gender equality objectives, in line with the organisations’ commitments through their adopted gender equality plans, and in line with ERA objectives, as far as appropriate.
The ERA Chairs proposals should illustrate quantitatively and qualitatively the expected potential impact of the project. As such, the projects’ expected results should be visible in terms of new local and international research and innovation partnerships, institutional and/or R&I system changes (various levels), increased research intensity (i.e., new scientific publications directly linked to the project’s area, protected IPR) and best research management practices. Proposals are encouraged to choose any additional relevant indicators that will be used for measuring the impacts achieved.
[4]Corresponding to profiles R3 or R4 of researchers careers as set out in the “European Framework for Research Careers” provided at h_careers_final.pdf
[5]That can be considered under the category of "other goods, works and services"