Call Updates
Jun 28, 2022 2:57:11 PM
A total of 7 proposals were submitted to this call.
The evaluation of the proposals will start in June and will be finalized in July 2022.
Applicants are expected to be informed about the outcome of the evaluations, indicatively, mid-August 2022.
The successful proposals will go through the Grant Agreement Preparation (GAP) phase and the deadline for the Grant Agreement signature is end November 2022.
Jun 10, 2022 11:16:55 AM
On 10 June 2022 a new release of the "Questions & Answers" document was published (Topic Conditions section: Additional Documents).
May 24, 2022 12:02:29 PM
On 24 May 2022 a new release of the "Questions & Answers" document was published (Topic Conditions section: Additional Documents).
On 11 May 2022 a new release of the "Questions & Answers" document was published (Topic Conditions section: Additional Documents).
May 2, 2022 3:38:50 PM
On 02 May 2022 a new release of the "Questions & Answers" document was published (Topic Conditions section: Additional Documents).
Apr 20, 2022 1:08:00 PM
On 20 April 2022 a new release of the "Questions & Answers" document was published (Topic Conditions section: Additional Documents).
Mar 31, 2022 3:28:58 PM
On 31st March 2022 a new release of the "Questions & Answers" document was published (Topic Conditions section: Additional Documents).
Mar 22, 2022 12:07:16 PM
On 22 March 2022 a new release of the "Questions & Answers" document was published (Topic Conditions section: Additional Documents).
Mar 10, 2022 8:10:59 AM
The submission session is now available for: HORIZON-ER-JU-2022-FA2-01(HORIZON-JU-IA)
Digital & Automated up to Autonomous Train Operations
Programme: Horizon Europe Framework Programme (HORIZON)
Work programme part: HORIZON-JTI-ER-2022
Call: EU-RAIL JU Call Proposals 2022-01 (HORIZON-ER-JU-2022-01)
Work programme year: HORIZON-JTI-ER-2022
Type of action: HORIZON-JU-IA HORIZON JU Innovation Actions
Type of MGA: HORIZON Lump Sum Grant [HORIZON-AG-LS]
Deadline model: single-stage
Opening date: 10 March 2022
Deadline date: 23 June 2022 17:00:00 Brussels time
Topic description
DESTINATION 2 – Digital & Automated up to Autonomous Train Operations
Today, urbanisation and population growth are already leading to rail capacity problems on main lines across Europe. To increase the railway capacity there are two main options: building new infrastructure and/or operating the rail system in a way that takes advantage of new technological and operational solutions. A major opportunity is offered by digitalization and automation of rail operation, where DATO (Digital “Automated” Train Operations) represents the most visible result of a major transformation of rail operations, which builds upon a next generation of Automatic Train Control (ATC), in addition to enhancements on the Train Control and Monitoring System (TCMS) allowing for integration at the on-board level. ATC [The ATS is responsible for “[the] supervision of [the] train status, automatic routing selection, automatic schedule creation, automatic operations logging, statistics and report generation, and automatic system status monitoring”. The ATP system is designed as a fail-safe system, intended to keep a safe distance between trains and to make each individual train comply with the track speed limits. If the speed limit is exceeded, ATP will automatically slow down the train or even bring it to a complete stop. ATO is responsible for the train operation part, so the traction and braking controls, but also creating the trains speed profile, the communication with the wayside equipment, the opening and closing of the train doors, and automatic train reversal] is the combination of Automatic Train Protection (ATP) systems, Automatic Train Supervision (ATS), and Automated Train Operation (ATO) – together representing an evolution of the current Control, Command and Signalling (CCS) subsystem –termed CCS+.
The aim of this destination is to take the major opportunity offered by digitalization and automation of rail operation and to develop the Next Generation ATC and deliver scalable automation in train operations, up to GoA4.
The selected proposal for funding under this Destination will be a Flagship Project of Europe’s Rail with significant expected impacts, which require an integrated sector systemic approach. Proposals, should therefore set out a credible pathway (including an exploitation plan) to contributing to all of the following expected impacts as described in the Master Plan.
Meeting evolving customer requirements |
Reduced costs |
Harmonised approach to evolution and greater adaptability |
Improved EU rail supply industry competitive-ness |
Improved performance and capacity |
Reinforced role for rail in European transport and mobility |
These can be further detailed with specific impacts of this destination, as:
Proposals under this Destination should set appropriate monitoring and demonstration activities to measure the following KPIs:
Type of impact |
ExpectedImprovements |
A first technical KPI which can show the improved flexibility in the responsiveness is the system response time which could be given based on the reaction requested from FA1. |
Responsiveness is understood as the time to react to a request from FA1 in a shorter time than today. Responsiveness provided by FA2 is the enabler for improved flexibility and can be measured as time. |
Reduction from 2h to 2Min. |
The accidentology indicator will show the improvement of the operational safety for mixed traffic in urban environment with trams while reducing the human factor in the normal operation. |
No. of collisions with third-parties per 10.000 km travelled |
Decrease by 50% (ca. from 0.2 to 0.1) |
As operational KPI the improvement of the capacity can be used, as the increase as well indirectly improves travelling times, punctuality, quality of operation and reliability. |
No. of trains on line per hour and direction |
Increase of 10% |
The cost-related operational KPI is the reduction of the Life-Cycle Cost (LCC) where especially the cost of operation includes energy consumption and productivity. CAPEX are assumed not to increase compared to today’s, while including additional functionalities. OPEX-relevant factors reduced by different measures as e.g. productivity increased by higher automation in train operations, energy consumption reduction and improved punctuality by automation. |
Energy consumption in kWh reduction measured as energy per passenger-km |
Reduction by 10% compared to driver’s average, |
Increased Staff productivity is understood as raising the productive hours, which are understood as worked hours from staff minus waiting times, commuting/shuttling times, etc. |
Increase by 30% |
Punctuality is understood here as reduction in cumulated delay time and measured as delay/service in time |
Reduction by 20% |
Expected Outcome:
Operational solutions will cover a wide range of applications for next generation ATC technologies, such as passenger trains for high speed, light rail urban lines, suburban lines, freight trains and regional lines including low density lines as well as including application in more complex situations, such as mixed traffic, power supply transitions and ATP transitions (e.g. ETCS – undefined tracks). The action to the funded under this topic shall contribute to rail operation optimisation techniques.
The Flagship Project stemming from this topic is expected to contribute to Europe’s Rail Programme with the following outcomes, to be delivered on the basis of results stemming from the Shift2Rail programme and appropriately developed further in close coordination with SP development:
The Flagship Project stemming from this topic should deliver, by 2025, innovative solutions to be demonstrated under the following scenarios :
Test validation platform, to enable the next-generation ATC technologies in an efficient cost-effective way.
The demonstrations of the innovative solutions should include interoperability aspects, challenging topology, and climate situations across Europe to show and assess the full impact of the next-generation ATC. This destination should deliver by 2025 at least the following:
In addition of the above, the proposal shall cover important preparatory works to be launched for the future set of demonstration foreseen in the Multi- annual Work programme in view of the evolutions of the solutions :
The action to be funded under this Destination also needs to provide the following necessary element for the demonstrations under the action to be funded under Destination 5, Sustainable Competitive Digital Green Rail Freight Services, to be delivered for 2025 demonstration: enablers 1, 3, 4, 7 and as described under the Scope section of this Destination. In addition of the above, the proposal shall cover important preparatory works needs to be launched for the future set of FA5 demonstration foreseen in the Multi- annual Work programme in view of the evolutions of the solutions, linked with the enablers 1, 4 and 7 at higher TRL.
The action to be funded under this Destination also needs to provide the following necessary element for the demonstrations under the action to be funded under Destination 6, Regional rail services/innovative rail services to revitalise capillary lines, to be delivered for 2025 demonstration : Enablers 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10 and 14 as described under the Scope section of this Destination. In addition of the above, the proposal shall cover important preparatory works needs to be launched for the future set of FA6 demonstration foreseen in the Multi- annual Work programme in view of the evolutions of the solutions, linked with those same enablers at higher TRL.
The action to be funded under this Destination also needs to provide the following necessary element for the demonstrations under the action to be funded under Destination 1, Network management planning and control & Mobility Management in a multimodal environment, to be delivered for 2025 demonstration: enablers 1 and 4 as described under the Scope section of this Destination, in addition to providing parameters for planning and simulation tools to calculate the capacity benefits. In addition of the above, the proposal shall cover important preparatory works needs to be launched for the future set of FA1 demonstration foreseen in the Multi- annual Work programme in view of the evolutions of the solutions, linked with those same enablers at higher TRL.
The Flagship Project stemming from this topic should develop the following capabilities:
Capability for improving operation performance
Automating functions, such as the wake-up and train preparation capability is needed to start operation, causing the need for development within this Destination of:
Trains must be continuously traceable for traffic control and train operators in automated operation. For this purpose, this Destination should develop:
Developments on all those enablers should also cover important preparatory works with higher TRL for the future set of demonstration foreseen in the Multi- annual Work programme in view of the evolutions of the solutions.
Safe unattended operation must be ensured by comprehensive, modular, and scalable perception systems (on-board and trackside) for both outdoor and indoor environments. Systems shall be develop under this Demonstration for:
In transition (either technical or operational) or shunting mode, automated train operation requires the development in this Destination of:
Additionally, the Destination should develop:
Capability for offering more capacity to customers
Enabler 10: The combination of radio based ETCS (Level , Hybrid Level 3 and Level 3) and ATO is key to increase the capacity of railway lines. The development of the following enablers is therefore key: ETCS Hybrid Level 3; ETCS Level 3 and Moving block systems, taking into account aspects related to relative braking distance. Activities shall reach TRL6 for 2025 demonstration.
Enabler 11: A fully fledged Virtual coupling, another key element to achieve shorter headways and operational flexibility, supported by enhanced connectivity and localisation, shall also be developed, taking into account the outputs from the EU-Rail System Pillar.
Enabler 12: This development shall also include self-driving freight wagons (supporting cooperative awareness). Activities shall reach TRL4/5 for the 2025 demonstration.
Enabler 13: To maximise next generation ATC performance, building upon the work achieved in the S2R Programme, a new generation of brake systems [Public deliverables from S2R TD1.5 (brakes) from the project PINTA (D7.3, D8.1) available here:] is needed to bring adjustable/configurable emergency brake control, the holding brake function and integrated adhesion management among other enhanced functionalities. New methods for qualification of brake performance under degraded adhesion, using adhesion management systems, are needed to allow performances to be assessed against a common framework as well as slide protection optimisation. This destination is expected to reach TRL5 for the 2025 demonstration.
Developments on all those enablers should also cover important preparatory works with higher TRL for the future set of demonstration foreseen in the Multi- annual Work programme in view of the evolutions of the solutions.
Capability for supporting cost-effective deployment
Enabler 14: Technology as well and the operational procedures need to be validated and tested to ensure fast and safe deployment. To this end, this destination is expected to develop novel platform and facilities for testing, validation and (virtual) certification.[Public deliverable of S2R TD2.6 (Zero on-site testing) available here:] Developments should reach TRL 5/6 in 2025 and cover important preparatory works with higher TRL for the future set of demonstration foreseen in the Multi- annual Work programme in view of the evolutions of the solutions.
Enabler 15: Decoupling software from hardware and parts inside the software domain, and defining the steps needed to increase flexibility and reduce integration effort, need to be targeted. To make those improvements effective, an adapted development cycle including an adapted safety cases procedure and modularized certification is required for the reduction of integration efforts. This destination is therefore expected to develop railway industrial DevOps.
Capabilities enabling operational objectives:
The following enablers shall be developed:
The action shall actively contribute to measure and monitor the specific quantitative KPIs defined in the Destination description above, including its contribution to the Europe’s Rail Master Plan impacts.
The action shall actively contribute to the EU-Rail standardisation rolling development plans wherever relevant. Similarly, the action shall contribute to the development and implementation of EU policy and legislation including Technical Specifications for Interoperability and Common Safety Methods, as well as to publications of the System Pillar.
Collaboration work required with other FAs
The action to be funded under Destination 2 shall foresee a common activity/task related to capturing specific requirements and review of system specifications relevant to the actions to be funded under Destination 5 and Destination 6.
The action to be funded under Destination 2 shall foresee a common activity/task related to the Preparatory works on the integration and pilot test(s) of the technical enablers to be provided to the actions to be funded under Destination 1, Destination 5 and Destination 6 for the demonstration to be carried out in the action to be funded by Destination 1, Destination 5 and Destination 6.
Interaction with the System Pillar
The System Pillar aims to guide, support and secure the work of the Innovation Pillar (i.e. to ensure that research is targeted on commonly agreed and shared customer requirements and operational needs, compatible and aligned to the system architecture), and the Innovation Pillar will impact the scope of the System Pillar where new technologies or processes mean that innovations can drive a change in approach, as well as delivering detailed specifications and requirements.
In this respect, the proposal should allocate necessary resources that would be dedicated to areas linked to the System Pillar conceptual and architecture works – particularly addressing specification development (the interaction is illustrated in the System Pillar – Innovation Pillar interaction note (Annex VI of this Work Programme)). The alignment of the activities will primarily take place during the Grant Preparation Phase and ramp up phase of the awarded proposal, and there will be continued, structured and regular interaction through the life of the project.
Interaction with other relevant actions
Work under this topic should link to relevant actions, when appropriate, financed by the European Space Agency (ESA), the European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA), the project 5Grail (GA number: 951725) and the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF2), and in particular with actions to be funded under the calls CEF-DIG-2021-5GCORRIDORS-WORKS and TOPIC ID: CEF-DIG-2021-5GCORRIDORS-WORKS. Link to other external initiatives can also be relevant.
Gender dimension
In this topic the integration of the gender dimension (sex and gender analysis) in research and innovation content is not a mandatory requirement.
Specific Topic Conditions:
Activities are expected to achieve a minimum between TRL 5 and TRL 7, depending on the enabler addressed, or higher by the end of the project – see General Annex B for a guide to the TRL definitions and criteria to be used.
Cross-cutting Priorities:
Digital Agenda