Ekvita Consulting

Proposal writer

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Last update: 5 days ago Last update: Sep 5, 2024


Deadline: Sep 4, 2024 Deadline for applications has passed
Location: Uzbekistan
Organization:Ekvita Consulting
Job type:Other
English English
Work experience:Min 10 years
Date posted: Sep 4, 2024
Expected starting date: Sep 8, 2024


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We are looking for a proposal writer preferably with experience in Uzbekistan for the following assignment:

Scope of work 
CBPP will implement the program during the contract period by cooperating with PIU.
• The CBPP will be responsible for delivering outputs and results under sub-component 1.4 of the project at the regional level.
• The CBPP will be operating at pre-determined divisions which include two-three regions of Uzbekistan. 
• The CBPP will be expected to prepare a detailed Initiation report along with work plan; based on design of the project and other project implementation guidelines (such as MG Guidelines).

Indicative activities to be included on workplan
 Divide mahallas into groups based on the conditions for entrepreneurship in them to avoid studying each mahalla that need to be analyzed separately;
 Overall identification and analysis of business activities;
 Determine (develop or propose from foreign experience), based on available resources, types of entrepreneurial activities that bring a relatively high income and have a sales chain (or have the ability to create additional business activities by organizing additional business activities);
 Develop the methodologies for teaching the business activities and basic business plans necessary for their implementation
 Identification of women for forming initial groups;
 Analysis with initial groups on identified business activities recommended by community women;
 Formation of Women Livelihoods/Business Groups;
 Training WLG members for identified business activities up to 5 months;
 Preparation of list of business plans with WLGs based in analysis of business activities
 Supporting women to apply for the grant;
 Supporting women who are awarded with grants to engage their own businesses;
 Supporting and monitoring the women during the implementation of their business and use of grants for the intended purpose up to 1 year

Expected Outcomes
1. Community members from the selected Mahallas, MCAs, district hokimiyats and other key local stakeholders have a clear understanding of the objectives of the Program and their roles and responsibilities in achieving development in their communities;
2. Social Mobilizers are well-trained and mentored in the principles of community mobilization, gender-sensitive community outreach, gender equality, conflict resolution, and group facilitation, management and M&E methodologies;
3. Women who have successfully participated in the WLG participate in the Selection for grants by formulating business plans and start an entrepreneurial activity that will be a source of stable income through the received grant funds.;
4. 75 Social Mobilisers will be hired and deployed for 75 Mahalas; 
5. 500 Initial Groups will be formed; 
6. 250 Women Livelihoods Groups (WLG) will be formed; 
7. Minimum of 50 WLG Business Plans will be prepared; 
8. 40 of training will be completed for every 250 WLGs; 
9. Minimum of 50group applicants who intended to implement group business will get grants 
Minimum of 600 Individual Business Projects will be identified; 
Minimum 600 Individual Business Plan financed 
Output before implementation starts
Initiation Report with Work Plan will include;
Explanation on understanding of project;
Human resource plan – Staffing at division level and Social Mobilizers 
List of activities with outputs; 
Time line for delivering outputs; 
MIS and Reporting mechanism;
Analytical report of business activities in each region;
The initial report with Work Plan will be submitted to PIU in one month after singing agreement. 
And Analytical report of business activities in each region will be submitted to PIU in three months after signing agreement

CBPP Structure, Mobilization Cycle and Contract Duration.
The contract for the CBPP will run for a period of 36 months and will support the implementation 
of the Program in 20 districts. 
CBPP Structure 
Each CBPP will consist of at least the following employees:
- Team Leader / Coordinator;
- Training specialist (3);
- Business analyst (5)
- Marketing specialist (5)
- Financial manager;
- Database Management Specialist (3)
- Monitoring and evaluation specialist;
- Gender specialist.

Specialist training staff to be hired to conduct the training will be agreed upon with the PIU. The CBPP recruits Social Mobilizers from the members of the Mahalla citizen assembly in the selected Mahallas (1 Social Mobilizer is selected from each participating Mahalla) to mobilize women to WLGs, form the WLG and conduct the activities of the WLG during the implementation of the program in this Mahalla. Social Mobilizers work in one Mahalla throughout their activities.The CBPP should have or establish an office equipped with internet facilities During the Program, WLGs formation and their activities are carried out within 36 months. There will be 5 cycles of up to 6 months each. A new Mahalla is selected for each cycle and a new Social Mobilizer is recruited from the new Mahalla to form and lead the activities of the WLG. The activity of the Social Mobilizers in the WLG is regularly monitored by the regional branch and the regional coordinator of PIU.Taking into account that the number of districts in the regions is different, at least 50 WLGs will be 
established in each district during the total period of the program.In the first 3 months of the program CBPP Social mobilizers, gender specialists and training specialists will conduct mobilization and awareness-raising activities as well as delivers program objectives and other aspects of the program in the selected mahalla. At the same time, CBPP's business analytic specialists and marketing specialists analyze the selected mahallas by the feasibility of business aspects as well as attend to awareness-raising activities to survey initial group women's business ideas.
Figure 1. Activities to be carried out in the Program and their approximate duration1

Mandatory requirements 
1. Must have implemented at least 1 similar project in Uzbekistan, supporting the empowerment of vulnerable rural women, including social support of the population, training and entrepreneurship capacity building, and entrepreneurship development assistance; 
1 This periods can be changed further 
2. To be in good relation with entrepreneurs in the Republic, to be able to organize cooperation with them in additional fields;
3. Must have experience in developing educational materials and tools for gender equality training, forming women's groups, as well as increasing the capacity of women's groups; (at least one project)
4. Must have experience in developing a business plan, conducting training programs on entrepreneurship and cooperation development (including the development of training materials and tools);
5. Verifiable experience to support Environmental Health and Safety Standards, GenderBased Violence and Sexual Exploitation and Abuse as part of project implementation;
6. Verifiable experience of successfully completed work similar to the scope of this ToR for 
at=-least 2 projects in last 5 years demonstrating satisfactory results;
7. the CBPP staffs should have a high qualification.Must be in a positive financial position or have a positive conclusion about the last implemented project;
8. having currents projects in at-least 2 regions or in above mentioned division. 

- - to have knowledge about the principles and regulations of the implementation of projects 
financed by international financial organizations;
- Experienced staff conversant with the cultural and socio-economic dimensions regarding 
women’s economic empowerment conditions in rural Uzbekistan
- Committed leadership and adequate management capacity to co-opt beneficiary participation ;
- to have a work manual that shows how to achieve the goals set in the program.