Study on lessons learnt from Budget Support in view of the imminent use of financing not linked to cost (FNLC) in EU's DG-NEAR external action
The general objective of this study is to provide the relevant Commission services with an independent assessment of NEAR’s budget support as a financial modality, in view of the extended use of financing not linked to cost/performance-based budgeting in NEAR’s External action.
The specific objectives for this study are to identify lessons learnt (both positive and negative), best practices and recommendations, in particular as regards:
The results of the study will feed the ground i) for defining greater synergy effects of budget support and other forms of financing not linked to cost/performance-based budgeting with the EU's political and reform objectives, as well as (ii) for the overall programming, monitoring, reporting and implementation of NEAR’s external action.
The indicative start date is December 2, 2024 and the period of implementation of the specific contract will be 333 days from this date. Indicative end date: October 31 2025.
Normal place of posting of the specific assignment: home based.
If you are interested in this opportunity, please send us your updated CV to by Wednesday, 6 November 2024.