Project title: Technical Assistance for enhancing economic transformation in conflict and migration prone regions of Ethiopia
Reference number: EC-INTPA/ADD/2024/EA-RP/0039
Duty station: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Indicative start date of the project: Q1 2025
Project duration: 48 months
Deadline for submission of the 1st round of applications: 18th December 2024
Project description:
The purpose of the project is to enhance economic transformation in conflict and migration prone regions of Ethiopia.
The specific objective (outcome) of this action is to support and increase the ability of the local economy to create jobs for refugees, IDPs, returnees and host communities in existing and/or potential value chains.
The expected outputs of this contract are as follows:
Output 1 to Outcome 2
Provision of a detailed baseline and mapping of local economic AND political context(s) – including conflict analysis and mapping of financial systems and institutions - and identification of geographical scope and key markets (value chains) to be addressed that can improve the livelihoods of IDPs and/or refugees and their host communities (including returnees and potential migrants). Mapping and analysis must include a gender lens.
Output 2 to Outcome 3
Provision of tailored capacity building of relevant government sectors institutions and stakeholders to enhance quality of their support for livelihood activities.
Output 3 to Outcome 2
Identification of partnership opportunities with private sector actors/investors and start-up of pilot interventions and identification of a pipeline of potential future partnerships.
Output 4 to Outcome 2
Develop and operationalise IT tools, platforms and services to facilitate information exchange, and business transactional services among local and cross-border communities.
Output 5 to Outcome 2
Promote productive Diaspora investment through co-financing approaches to expand business opportunities.
Output 6 to outcome 2
Ensure adequate visibility to the EU – in line with the latest Communication and Visibility requirements for EU-funded external actions.
Key experts have a crucial role in implementing the contract.
Each expert should work minimum 90% of their working days in the partner country where they are providing technical advice.
The tenderer shall submit CVs and statements of exclusivity and availability for the following key experts:
Key expert 1: Team leader / Market System Development expert (min. 880 working days)
Qualifications and skill
General professional experience
Specific professional experience