7th World Investment Forum | Virtual

7th World Investment Forum | Virtual

πŸ“… 18 – 22 October 2021| Virtual

The UNCTAD World Investment Forum is the pre-eminent global platform for investment and development. The Forum devises strategies and solutions for global investment and development challenges. It facilitates multi-stakeholder collective action to stimulate investment in development. The Forum offers a unique opportunity to influence investment-related policymaking, shape the global investment environment, and network with global leaders in business and politics.

Previous editions took place in Accra (2008), Xiamen (2010), Doha (2012), Geneva (2014), Nairobi (2016), and Geneva (2018). The Forum was set up to fill the investment institutional gap in the international economic governance architecture. Since its inception, it has served as the leading forum to leverage investment policy for sustainable development.

The Forum annually gathers more than 5,000 investment stakeholders from 160 countries. The stakeholder landscape encompasses high-level participants from the global investment community, including Heads of State and Government, ministers, executives of global companies and stock exchanges, sovereign wealth fund managers, investment treaty negotiators, heads of investment promotion agencies, international investment location experts, heads of international organizations, parliamentarians, civil society representatives, eminent scholars, and the international media.

Original Source: World Investment Forum