United Nations Children's Fund (HQ)

Somalia Evaluation of Social Mobilisation Network

Last update: Sep 15, 2017 Last update: Sep 15, 2017


Start Date:Jul, 2017
End Date:Unknown
Sectors:Health, Monitoring & Evaluation
Health, Monitoring & Evaluation
Categories:Consulting services
Date posted:Sep 15, 2017

Associated funding

Associated experts


Detailed project description

Polio is a highly infectious disease caused by a virus that invades the nervous system. Polio outbreaks between 2000 and 2015 have affected hundreds in Somalia, with some cases reported in Kenya and Ethiopia. The Social Mobilisation Network (SM Net) was established in 2013 by UNICEF to raise awareness of polio and increase coverage of polio vaccination in difficult to reach locations in Somalia. Kimetrica, in partnership with Forcier Consulting, was contracted to conduct an evaluation of SM Net activities, including impacts on coverage of polio immunization activities, and local perceptions of trust and community level support. The evaluation also explores SM Net’s ability to deliver on other child survival and development interventions. Using a mixed-methods approach, our team is collecting primary data, through individual interviews and focus group discussions, examining key issues of relevance, efficiency, sustainability, effectiveness, and impact; and undertaking an extensive analysis of secondary data on vaccination uptake over the duration of the programme.

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