United Nations Industrial Development Organization (HQ)

Accounting Consultancy Services

Last update: Nov 6, 2017 Last update: Nov 6, 2017


Start Date:2016
End Date:2017
Sectors:Agriculture, Finance & Accounting Agriculture, Finance & Accounting
Categories:Consulting services
Date posted:Nov 6, 2017

Associated funding

Associated experts


Name of the client: UNIDO (within the scope of  “ENPARD Technical Assistance: Producer Group  and Value Chain Development”)
The purpose of the assignment is to train accountants of established agricultural cooperatives to ensure compliance of the statements they file with the regulations set by the RA Law on  Agricultural Cooperatives. The project aims to strengthen producer groups, effectively engage producer groups in value addition activities, strengthen value chains that provide improved access to affordable, better quality food, contribute to the development of rural areas, improve access to local and international markets, and ensure the introduction of environmentally-friendly farming and food processing practices.
Project duration: 11 months

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