United Nations Development Programme (HQ)

Preparation of a Master Plan for the Closure and Rehabilitation of Uncontrolled Dumps in Lebanon

Last update: Jan 29, 2018 Last update: Jan 29, 2018


Start Date:Sep, 2010
End Date:Jun, 2011
Sectors:Pollution & Waste Management (incl. treatment)
Pollution & Waste Management (incl. treatment)
Categories:Consulting services
Date posted:Jan 29, 2018

Associated funding

Associated experts


Executing Agent: Ministry of Environment

Project Description
One of the major environmental problems in Lebanon is caused by the widespread of hundreds of uncontrolled dumps in the country. This has been re-iterated in several studies, including but not limited to the National Environmental Action Plan (NEAP) and the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) document on key environmental issues prepared by MoE/UNDP, and the National Physical Plan of the Lebanese Territories (NPPLT) prepared by CDR. The problem has lately been formally acknowledged as a key priority to be addressed by the government by being integrated in MoE’s Work Programme for the years 2010-2012.

Scope of Work
• Prepare an inventory of all dumps in Lebanon and characterize them according to predetermined criteria, and develop a GIS database.
• Prioritize dumps for their rehabilitation based on a multi-criteria analysis.
• Propose best rehabilitation option based on pre-determined criteria
• Develop a detailed action plan clearly identifying priority dumps to be rehabilitated, the proposed rehabilitation measure, its cost, and implementation road map (responsibility, financing sources, timeframe, environmental monitoring requirements, etc.).

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