United States Agency for International Development (USA - HQ)

Energy Security through Competitive Energy Markets Program in Ukraine

Last update: 4 days ago Last update: Nov 29, 2024


Start Date:Jun 20, 2018
End Date:2025
Contract value: USD 920,000,000
Categories:Consulting services
Date posted:Jul 6, 2018

Associated funding

Associated experts


Solicitation Number: SOL-121-16-000014

Contract Award Number: 72012118C00003

Project title: Energy Security through Competitive Energy Markets Program in Ukraine

The primary purpose of the USAID/Ukraine Energy Security through Competitive Energy Markets Program is to enhance Ukraine’s energy security. Improving the energy legal and regulatory environment and increasing resilience of energy supply will help the Mission achieve broad-based, resilient economic development as a means to sustain Ukrainian democracy. Specifically, the USAID/Ukraine Energy Security Program through Competitive Energy Markets, implemented by the Contractor, must focus and shall significantly contribute
to their ultimate achievement of the following goals:

Energy Markets, implemented by the Contractor, must focus on the following goals:

  • Increase the renewable energy share to 20%;
  • Increase regulatory capacity and to ensure sufficiency of energy supplies to meet the demand; and
  • Increase cross-border electricity and gas networks to at least 15% of Ukrainian market volume.

Duration: 5 years

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