
Strategic Planning and Administrative Organization Capacity Development Program
Locations:Palestine / West Bank & Gaza
Start Date:2011
End Date:2011
Sectors: Training
Client: Palestinian Local Media
Origin of Funding: Internews
Detailed project description:
Internews is an international non-profit organization was formed in 1982; it has offices in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, Latin America and North America and works in more than 70 countries. Internews' mission is to empower local media worldwide to give people the news and information they need, the ability to connect and the means to make their voices heard by providing resources to the communities to produce local news and the independent information. In order to achieve these goals it works to train both media professionals and citizen journalists on introducing innovative media solutions, increasing coverage of vital issues and helping establish policies needed for open access to information in different countries.
Within this context, it has contracted GCT to provide capacity development training program for local media on Strategic Planning and Administrative Organization. It main objectives were to provide participants with the meaning of management and the position of strategic planning in the administrative process, identify the management square, the concept of strategic planning its benefit ,its obstacles and the differences between strategic and operational planning, and how to analyze the work of the organization/ institution in preparation for the strategic planning by using SWOT Model.
• Provide professional regional trainers in the required fields to deliver the training.
• Provide participants with training materials, training agenda, pre- post tests, dialogue and practical applications, exercises, case studies, stationeries, group discussions included brain storming activities and short films.
• Provide a comfortable training area to obtain best results from training with Flip Chart, LCD data show...etc.
• Submission of training completion certificates to the participants.
• Provide final evaluation training reports enhanced with recommendations for follow -up actions in order to maintain the training impacts.