Kolkata Environmental Improvement Investment Program - Tranche 2 - KCS-06 Design and Supervision Consultants
Start Date:Aug 17, 2018
End Date:Unknown
Contract value: USD 4,372,167
Sectors: Civil Engineering, Water & Sanitation
LOAN NO.: 3413-IND
Executing Agency: Kolkata Municipal Corporation
Contract No.: KCS-06
Nature of Contract: Consultancy
Contract Description: Design and Supervision Consultant
The objective of the Design and Supervision Consultants is to provide assistance to the program and project management unit (PMU) in management of Tranche-2 of the Kolkata Environmental Improvement Investment Program which is financed by the Asian Development Bank’s (ADB’s) loans under the Multitranche Financing Facility. The investment program will aim to increase service quality and operational sustainability in water supply and sewerage in the Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC) area. The investment program will deliver three outputs: (i) inefficient and outdated water supply assets rehabilitated; (ii) continue sewerage and drainage extension to peripheral areas; and (iii) further develop financial and project management capacity.
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