
Support to more efficient, effective and modern operation and functioning of the Administrative Court
Locations:North Macedonia
Start Date:Jan 1, 2010
End Date:Jan 1, 2012
Contract value: EUR 1,083,500
Sectors: Inst. Devt. & Cap. building, Justice Reform
Categories:Consulting services
Funding Agencies:
Date posted:Dec 28, 2012
The technical assistance should cover activities as follows:
The project’s purpose is to support the implementation of the Judicial Reform Strategy at operational level by the establishment of a sustainable administrative justice, implementing and consolidating the new legislative framework on administrative litigations which transfers the first instance competence for administrative disputes from the Supreme Court to the newly established Administrative Court.
The project shall provide direct advisory support to the Administrative Court to appraise and step up the implementation of the reformed legal framework. Through the provision of advisory support, technical assistance and training, the ongoing organisational and operational reforms of the administrative dispute procedure shall be further strengthened. In particular, the support will target the consolidation of the administrative legal framework, human resources and institutional organization, focusing especially on court procedures in administrative law cases, operational efficiency and effectiveness, court and case management, as well as transparency in activity of the Administrative Court and operations.
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