United States Agency for International Development (USA - HQ)

Forest-PLUS: forest for water and prosperity (Forest-PLUS 2.0)

Last update: Jan 9, 2019 Last update: Jan 9, 2019


Start Date:Dec 4, 2018
End Date:Dec 4, 2023
Contract value: USD 11,477,797
Sectors:Environment & NRM Environment & NRM
Categories:Consulting services
Date posted:Jan 9, 2019

Associated funding

Associated experts


Solicitation Number: 72038618R00003

Contract Award Number: 72038619C00001

Project: Forest-PLUS: forest for water and prosperity (Forest-PLUS 2.0)

Description: The purpose of this Activity is to provide technical assistance that supports the Government of India (GoI) and other stakeholders to manage forests as important components of broad-based, inclusive and sustainable economic growth that meet local needs and addresses global environmental challenges.


1. To strengthen ecosystem-based management of forest landscapes

2. To factor ecosystem services into management of forest landscapes

3. To increase economic opportunities from improved landscape management

Duration: The period of performance from date of contract award date is 3 years for the Base Period and an additional 2 years for the potential Option Period.

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