European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (EuropeAid HQ)

Multiple framework contract for the support to structural reforms in EU Member States: Change management strategy and implementation thereof, Lot 2

Last update: Dec 25, 2017 Last update: Dec 25, 2017


Locations:EU 27
Start Date:Nov, 2017
End Date:Nov, 2021
Contract value: EUR 2,000,000
Sectors:Banking, Inst. Devt. & Cap. building, Labour Marke ...
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Banking, Inst. Devt. & Cap. building, Labour Market & Employment, Macro-Econ. & Public Finance, Micro-finance, Public Administration, Social Development
Categories:Consulting services
Date posted:Dec 25, 2017

Associated funding

Associated experts


Reference number: SRSS/P2017/FWC001

Information about a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system:
The procurement involves the establishment of a framework agreement
Framework agreement with several operators
Envisaged maximum number of participants to the framework agreement: 8

Contract No: SRSS/FWC2017/006

Contract No: SRSS/FWC2017/007

Contract No: SRSS/FWC2017/008


Lot 2: Change management strategy and implementation thereof

The provision of services to the Commission and, in particular, the SRSS to support the design and implementation of institutional, administrative and growth- sustaining structural reforms in EU Member States. The contractor will support the development of change management strategies for the implementation of structural reforms. In particular, the objective will be to support the beneficiaries in communicating on given reforms with key stakeholders, with the objective to enhance buy-in and ownership of the reforms.

The technical support services for the development and implementation of change management strategies to accompany structural reform implementation can be requested in any policy area related to cohesion, competitiveness, productivity, innovation, smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, jobs and investment, as presented in the Programme. The policy areas listed in the programme are grouped in 5 sectoral categories and 37 policy areas in the following manner:
1. governance and public administration: (1) state governance and better policymaking; (2) human resources management; (3) efficiency of the state organisation and service delivery; (4) transparency, anti-corruption and anti-money laundering activities; (5) judicial systems; (6) e-Government; (7) migration and border policy;
2. revenue administration and public financial management: (8) revenue collection; (9) budget preparation; (10) spending reviews; (11) fiscal strategy and tax policy; (12) supreme audit institutions/fiscal council;
3. growth and business environment: (13) investment licensing; (14) competition policy; (15) trade issues; (16) digital society; (17) land registry; (18) energy union; (19) better regulation; (20) SOE management, sectoral expertise; (21) transport; (22) environment; (23) water; (24) agriculture;
4. labour market, health, social services: (25) labour market and social cohesion policies; (26) long-term care policies; (27) welfare system; (28) pension system; (29) healthcare system; (30) education; vocational education and training; research;
5. financial sector and access to finance: (31) access to finance; (32) capital markets union; (33) bank supervision and resolution; (34) non-performing loans; (35) insolvency; (36) insurance and pensions; (37) competition issues.

Duration in months: 24

Description of renewals: The framework contract will be concluded for an initial period of 24 months with effect from the date of its entry into force. The framework contract is automatically renewed once for 24 months, unless one of the parties receives formal notification to the contrary at least 3 months before.

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