Centre for Europe-Brazil Business and Innovation Cooperation - CEBRABIC
Locations:Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Germany, Hungary, Portugal, Spain, Turkey
Start Date:Jan 1, 2017
End Date:Dec 31, 2020
Contract value: EUR 2,997,457
Sectors: Inst. Devt. & Cap. building, SME & Private Sector
Programme(s): H2020-EU. - Promote coherent and effective cooperation with third countries
Topic: ENG-GLOBALLY-09-2016 - Centres/Networks of European research and innovation
Call for proposal: H2020-SC6-ENG-GLOBALLY-2016-1
Funding Scheme: CSA - Coordination and support action
Grant agreement ID: 733531
This CSA intends to establish and deploy the Centre for Europe-Brazil Business Innovation Cooperation (CEBRABIC). The Centre will connect and support European Research & Innovation & Business (R&I&B) organizations in the Brazilian market, while strengthening the European Union’s position as a world leader in Science, Technology and Innovation. The Centre will achieve these goals by sustainably offering a diverse set of services, including networking and partnering; business consultancy; pooling and sharing resources; investment attraction; capacity building and awareness raising.
The proposed methodology for setting up CEBRABIC relies upon a pillar-based approach – each corresponding to different chapters of a Business Plan: Strategic pillar (market analysis – Work Package (WP) 1 and strategic planning (WP2)); Marketing pillar (WP3); Operational pillar (WP4); and Financial pillar (WP5). The business model implementation (WP6) and the monitoring and evaluation (WP7) are also further pillars in the CEBRABIC methodological approach.
The implementation of CEBRABIC will follow a three-staged strategy: the planning stage (from M1 to M12), in which the Centre’s business model (WP1-WP5) will be developed; the piloting stage (M12 to M24), focused on delivering services on an experimental basis (WP6); and the full implementation stage (M24-M48), in which CEBRABIC will be established as an independent legal entity and as a financially self-sustainable organization.
As an open and dynamic Centre, CEBRABIC will build upon synergies and complementarities with relevant R&I&B organizations, particularly with European R&I&B organizations with presence in Brazil and SENAI Innovation Institutes, aiming to increase, diversify and consolidate the CEBRABIC service demand and offer.
The project is implemented by a partnership of 12 organizations, led by Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, and including leading R&I&B organizations from Brazil, Portugal, Spain, Austria, Belgium, Hungary and Turkey.
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