Horizon 2020 (2014 - 2020)

Eocene and Cretaceous Oceanography: Disentangling the roles of geography and temperature on deep ocean circulation in past greenhouse climates: ECO

Last update: Feb 5, 2021 Last update: Feb 5, 2021


Start Date:Dec 1, 2020
End Date:Nov 30, 2022
Contract value: EUR 184,707
Sectors:Environment & NRM Environment & NRM
Date posted:Feb 5, 2021

Associated funding

Associated experts


Programme(s): H2020-EU.1.3.2. - Nurturing excellence by means of cross-border and cross-sector mobility

Topic(s): MSCA-IF-2019 - Individual Fellowships

Call for proposal: H2020-MSCA-IF-2019

Funding Scheme: MSCA-IF-EF-ST - Standard EF

Grant agreement ID: 895637

Project description:

Role of geography and temperature in past greenhouse climates

Global warming threatens the thermohaline circulation that plays a key role in ocean circulation, securing heat distribution over the globe and oxygen delivery in the deep sea. Scientists identify the Cretaceous and Eocene greenhouse climate phases as analogies to current climate change. However, the mechanisms of deep-water formation and the role of ocean circulation in heat transport are not yet fully understood. The EU-funded ECO project will investigate the role of geography and temperature on deep circulation in past periods of the planet, aiming to detect ocean circulation dynamics that played a fundamental role in climate change. The project will identify and trace deep-water masses in the Eocene and the mid-Cretaceous, identify the source regions of deep-water formation, the geochemical signatures of past seawater and experiment with scenarios of ocean-atmosphere climate models.


Ocean circulation plays a dominant role in distributing heat over the planet and in providing oxygen for life in the deep sea. The thermohaline circulation will likely be affected by global warming, in particular the current areas of deep water formation at high latitudes.
The thermal maxima of the Cretaceous (94 million years ago) and the Eocene (51 million years ago) are the two most important greenhouse climate phases of the last 100 million years and are seen as analogues to current climate change. For the Cretaceous and Eocene, mechanisms of deep-water formation and the role of ocean circulation on heat transport are poorly understood. This research aims to disentangle the controls of geography and temperature on deep circulation in past greenhouse worlds to identify ocean circulation dynamics fundamental to climates warmer than the present-day.

This research has a three-fold approach:
1) To generate neodymium isotope signatures from a range of sites in the Southern Ocean to identify and track deep-water masses under two different circulation regimes: - the opening of gateways in the Eocene and - an episode of sudden warming in the mid-Cretaceous, which led to a widespread lack of oxygen in the world's oceans.
2) To identify the source regions of deep water formation, the geochemical signatures (neodymium isotopes, rare earth elements, mineralogy) of past seawater and detrital sediment contributions will be compared and contrasted to reconstructions of paleotopography.
3) To test scenarios of modelled ocean circulation in past greenhouse worlds, the Nd-isotope data will be integrated with coupled ocean-atmosphere climate models.

The candidate will develop new competencies in geochemical techniques and climate modelling. Broadening her scientific skills base, whilst training transferable skills and reaching professional maturity, will ideally position the candidate to draw the disciplines of oceanography, sedimentology and climate modelling together.


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