
Public Servants Pension Scheme Development & Technical Support for the South Sudan Pensions Fund

Last update: Jun 22, 2015 Last update: Jun 22, 2015


Locations:South Sudan
Start Date:Oct 1, 2010
End Date:Nov 1, 2013
Sectors:Public Administration
Public Administration
Categories:Consulting services
Funding Agencies:
Date posted:Mar 28, 2013

Associated funding

Associated experts


  • Pension Bills. Assist the MoLPSHRD and MoJ draft two pension bills from the Council of Minister’s approved pension system design and have the pension bills approved by the Council and submitted to Parliament
  • Pensions Fund By-Laws. Assist the MoLPSHRD recommend and draft by-laws for the Pension Fund’s oversight board (e.g., governance structure oversight of the pension system)
  • Training. Conduct a Training Needs Assessment of MoLPSHRD, central Ministries and 10 States. Interview and conduct assessments and evaluations of 45 officials. Recommended training programmes for core skills (e.g., basic computer skills, Excel,) and pension expertise (e.g., rules of new scheme design, processing new pensioner applications, explanations of survivors’ rules and calculations of new cost-controlled indexation mechanism). Begin training programme scheduling of classes and writing training materials and MoLPSHRD pension manuals
  • Development of Initial 12-Month Workplan Development & Projected Number of New Pensioners. Assist in developing custom Excel tool for use by Establishment Departments (central ministries & 10 States) to identify employees over age 59. Begin forecasting the number of new pensioners / survivors to manage the initial 12-months of new Pensions Fund. Begin coordinating training for the offices with the largest number of forecast new pensioners
  • Compiling & Reconciling Past Contributions. Assist MoLPSHRD in compiling, validating and reconciling mandatory salary deductions and employer contributions by Ministry and by State on month-by-month basis. Prepare customised financial model to compile payroll data and conduct financial analysis.  Validating bank deposits
  • Development of New Business Processes for Monthly / Commutation Pensions. Assist in design of business processes for new pensioner/ survivor applications (starting with Establishment to Pensions Fund to payment of commutation amount and first monthly payment) including acceptance / rejection of each step. Present and review with Benefits Operations Work Group
  • Recommendation of Administration, Recordkeeping & Database. Assist in recommending options (including technical descriptions, cost, timing and ongoing staff to maintain) for long-term pension database, recordkeeping and administration of active employees (employer contributions and mandatory employee salary deductions) and active pensioners / survivors
  • Development of Bank / Telecom Processes for Payment of Pensions. Assist MoLPSHRD, Pension Directorate and Central Bank in coordinating conference with South Sudan banks and telecom as agents for processing pensions. Assist in developing strategy for interactions between Pensions Fund and Banks / Telecoms. Assist in drafting secondary legislation for rules to be issued by Central Bank on accepting, verifying, validating and reversing pension transactions.
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