European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (EuropeAid HQ)

Technical Assistance for Development of Land Use Planning

Last update: Jul 16, 2015 Last update: Jul 16, 2015


Start Date:Jan 1, 2011
End Date:Jan 1, 2013
Sectors:Mapping & Cadastre
Mapping & Cadastre
Categories:Consulting services
Date posted:Mar 29, 2013

Associated funding

Associated experts


To achieve these three results the HTSPE team will undertake the following services:

Result 1: Additional planning; training; updating and improvements to the Mapping and GIS Functions within the Commission; establishment of a digital cadastral database and the continuous development and streamlining of cadastral and land administration database management system.

Result 2: Review and rationalisation of institutional responsibilities and inkages; enhance the profile of plans and planning; improved public access to plans and land information.

Result 3: Review of existing laws and regulations

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