
Formulation of the Institutional Support Project for ANDA

Last update: Mar 25, 2015 Last update: Mar 25, 2015


Locations:El Salvador
Start Date:Oct 1, 2005
End Date:Nov 1, 2005
Contract value: EUR 35,000
Sectors:Environment & NRM, Information & Communication Tec ...
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Environment & NRM, Information & Communication Technology, Procurement, Water & Sanitation
Categories:Consulting services
Funding Agencies:
Date posted:Apr 8, 2013

Associated funding

Associated experts


ANDA’s mission is to constantly provide and assist in the constant provision of water services fit for human consumption and in the quantities required by the population, as well as to process wastewater, whilst maintaining the ecological balance of water resources.

The ANDA institutional support project consisted of taking action upstream in order to increase national powers, on the one hand, and to improve the appropriateness and quality of future infrastructure-related projects submitted to the Luxembourg Cooperation for funding on the other hand.

Technical support was the main component of the project. Other project components notably included the provision of more advanced technical means, such as IT equipment and programmes, as well as operational monitoring and network maintenance equipment and materials. Training was also a significant element. Another key element to be taken into account was the sustainability of the results of the project. The level of contribution of each party was to be clearly established during the formulation stage.

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