European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (EuropeAid HQ)

Support to Vocational Education and Training

Last update: Jul 30, 2015 Last update: Jul 30, 2015


Start Date:Jan 1, 2005
End Date:Jan 1, 2006
Sectors:Education, Training
Education, Training
Categories:Consulting services
Date posted:Apr 24, 2013

Associated funding

Associated experts


The main activities included:

  • An assessment of the current situation focusing on: progression routes, relevance of qualifications to employment, levels, recognition and accreditation. The assessment was based on interviews with key actors as well as all available project documentation, all relevant documents from the previous project and any other relevant activities currently under way in Montenengro.
  • Setting up a working group of key actors from the beneficiary ministries and major partner organisations; Defining with the group the objectives for this component and developing a workplan.
  • Bringing in experiences from other European countries to assist in the process of thinking through the issues.
  • Assistance to the group in drafting a perspectives paper. The perspectives paper presents a proposal for legislation to establish nationally-recognised vocational qualifications in Montenegro.

The project is funded by the European Union’s programmes in the Western Balkans – CARDS.

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