Horizon 2020 (2014 - 2020)

Submesoscale Processes in a Changing Environment: SPICE

Last update: Jul 2, 2021 Last update: Jul 2, 2021


Start Date:Aug 1, 2021
End Date:Jul 31, 2023
Contract value: EUR 203,852
Sectors:Environment & NRM, Research Environment & NRM, Research
Date posted:Jul 2, 2021

Associated funding

Associated experts


Programme(s): H2020-EU.1.3.2. - Nurturing excellence by means of cross-border and cross-sector mobility
Topic(s): MSCA-IF-2020 - Individual Fellowships
Call for proposal: H2020-MSCA-IF-2020
Funding Scheme: MSCA-IF-EF-ST - Standard EF

Grant agreement ID: 101032683

The candidate believes a key challenge to reducing the uncertainty of global climate model projections is quantifying the role of submesoscale (0.1-10km hours-days) ocean processes on the ocean-atmosphere exchange of heat and carbon in the remote Southern Ocean. In SPICE, he aims to address this knowledge gap using ocean observations from state-of-the-art marine robots and high-resolution numerical models. Using this novel data the candidate will for the first time 1) quantify the variability of heat and carbon air-sea fluxes in the Southern Ocean, and 2) better understand how upper ocean submesoscale processes modulate this exchange of heat and carbon between the atmosphere and the ocean interior, where it can be stored for millennia.

SPICE will achieve three primary scientific objectives:

(1) the candidate will participate in an oceanographic research expedition to the Southern Ocean, to further learn about, and deploy autonomous ocean platforms. This pioneering science experiment will collect the required air-sea heat and carbon fluxes and oceanographic data in the sea-ice impacted Southern Ocean.

(2) Perform scientific data analysis and research with my host, and during two secondments, to gain the longstanding skill and knowledge to quantify the impact of submesoscale processes on the air-sea flux of heat and carbon.

(3) Employ a synergetic modelling and observational approach, whereby he will perform ultra-high-resolution simulations of the ocean to upscale the observational findings to address current and future climate challenges.

By achieving these objectives, this Fellowship will provide with the skills and network that the candidate requires to enhance his academic standing and research capability for years to come. This field of polar science is his passion and longer-term ambition is to be an excellent and independent Earth System scientist who can build a long-standing career in Europe.


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