
Technical Assistance for Fight Against Violence Towards Children
Start Date:Mar 25, 2013
End Date:Mar 25, 2015
Contract value: EUR 2,846,147
Sectors: Human Rights, Inst. Devt. & Cap. building, Youth
Categories:Consulting services
Funding Agencies:
Date posted:Jun 19, 2013
The technical assistance will support the Ministry of National Education in protection of children against all forms of violence of a physical, emotional, verbal and psychological nature to attain a high level of health protection, well-being and social cohesion. For this purpose, TA will cover increasing the capacities of follow-up and prevention services by developing policies for taking legal measures and promotion of counselling services, development of a model school 'Life skills for students with self-confidence' which is free from physical,emotional, verbal and psychological violence, increasing the awareness of parents, NGO members, non-teaching staff, teaching staff and students