Joint Donor Assessment of Local Governance and Community Development Programme
Start Date:Apr 1, 2008
End Date:Jun 30, 2008
Sectors: Inst. Devt. & Cap. building, Monitoring & Evaluation
Categories:Consulting services
Date posted:Jun 20, 2013
Name of Client: Joint Donor Group on Decentralisation/Local Governance - Danida.
Name of Senior Staff involved and functions performed: Deputy Team Leader, Hans Bjørn Olsen.
Description of Project:
Empowerment of citizens and communities for active engagement with local governments and strengthening downward accountability
Local bodies (DDCs, Municipalities and VDCs enriched with block grants for community led local development
Capacity Development of local governments for effective service delivery
Policy Support for decentralisation and Local Governance (Devolution, Fiscal decentralisation, Human Resources Development, Action Research etc.)
Gender and Social Inclusion
Our team evaluated:
i) Further improvements of the Program Document;
(ii) How best the international partners can support the LGCDP;
(iii) Institutional arrangements for program management, including the strengthening required of MLD and sub-national levels of Government to start-up and implement the program;
(iv) The Way Forward in terms of Priority Actions during the Approach Period (May to July 2008) and during the Inception Period, which is proposed to be the first six months after the launching of the Programme in January 2009; and
(v) How best the proposed programme will yield results for children, young people, women and disadvantaged in terms of fulfilment of their rights.