
Promoting a good administration and raising the satisfaction of citizens with regards to the public services
Start Date:Mar 1, 2007
End Date:Oct 31, 2007
Contract value: USD 44,500
Sectors: Inst. Devt. & Cap. building, Public Administration
Project aim :
The project took place between march-october 2007 and had the objective of raising the degree of responsibility of public service towards the citizens.
Project outcomes :
1. Grading the satisfaction of citizens towards the quality of the services provided by the local public utilities
2. Improving the communication between citizens and authorities with regards to the utilities services
3. An informative tool for the citizens
4. A toolkit regarding the methodology for evaluating the satisfaction of the citizens towards the quality of the utilities services
Ti-Ro’s role in the project :
1. Offering precise, accessible and relevant information to citizens with regards to the services provided by the local public utilities
2. Developing a tool for measuring the satisfaction of the citizens with regards to the local utilities services
3. Raising the transparency of the services of public utilities
4. Identifying and approaching the weaknesses of services provided by the local public utilities while working on providing alternative solutions.