European Commission Directorate-General for International Partnerships (EuropeAid HQ)

Technical assistance in running a programme support office in the northern part of Cyprus

Last update: Jan 16, 2018 Last update: Jan 16, 2018


Start Date:Jun 3, 2008
End Date:Unknown
Contract value: EUR 3,426,000
Sectors:Administration, Information & Communication Techno ... See more Administration, Information & Communication Technology
Categories:Consulting services
Date posted:Jun 25, 2013

Associated funding

Associated experts


For the purpose of implementing the new instrument of financial support for encouraging the economic development of the Turkish Cypriot community, the Commission has put in place a Programme Team. In order to ensure contacts with the beneficiary community, with a view to facilitating cost-effective coordination, preparation and implementation of the assistance, whilst also providing a venue for meetings and seminars, the Commission identified already in 2006 the need for the Programme Team to have inter alia a Programme Support Office in the northern part of Cyprus.

The Programme Support Office was set up in September 2006 and is being run by the Consultant that was awarded a contract for the provision of office management logistics. In view of this first contract coming to an end in June 2008, and in order to secure continuity of services, the Commission intends to launch a new service tender procedure, with the aim of signing prior to June 2008 a TA contract for:

§         The taking over of the existing rental agreement for the office premises and office management logistics for the benefit of the programme team implementing the aid package in the northern part of Cyprus. This would include renting of the existing premises, maintenance of the existing equipment and provision of additional equipment, if needed, ensuring informatics systems are adequate, etc.;

§         The provision of administrative support, namely secretarial assistance and transport support to the Programme Team as part of the office management functions. This also includes the provision of an office/IT manager running the logistical side of the operation.

§         The provision of all necessary support for running the TAIEX Local Support Point.

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