TA 53308-001 CAM: Integrated IT Platform for Social Protection Programs in Cambodia
Start Date:Apr 20, 2021
End Date:Mar 20, 2028
Contract value: USD 1,169,181
Sectors: Information & Communication Technology, Social Development
TA Number: TA-6681
Executing Agency: Ministry of Economy and Finance, Cambodia
Description: The Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), which chairs the NSPC, is spearheading the social protection reform and requests ADB technical assistance to support development of the social protection registration system. Responding to the request, a diagnostic study on ICT for social protection in Cambodia was carried out in 2019 under the ADB-funded Inclusive Finance Sector Development Program, Subprogram 2. The study found that social protection programs are largely fragmented causing inefficiencies in administration and delivery of services and recommended to establish an IT-enabled service delivery platform which can be used not only for social protection programs but also for other social services across the country. Output 1 aims to develop an integrated ICT platform to provide end-to-end social protection programs in Cambodia. The TA will analyze and re-engineer the key business processes of the social protection programs including registration, identification of eligible individuals or households, enrolment of participants, delivery of social services after authentication, and monitoring of social protection schemes. To adequately demonstrate the utility of the integrated digital platform for social protection service delivery, initially two social protection schemes, namely the health insurance program under the Ministry of Health (MOH) and the conditional cash transfer program under the Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans, and Youth Rehabilitation (MOSAVY), will be targeted in a limited geographic scale. Subsequently, the digital platform will be integrated with the national ID system for more efficient and effective service delivery. The digital platform is expected to be further expanded to include other social protection programs and scaled up after the lifespan of the TA. The targeted beneficiary population will be approximately 10,000 in two districts that will be identified at an early stage of the TA implementation. Under this output, a brief cost and benefit analysis is conducted, technical advisory service provided, target groups consulted, and capacity development programs provided for the stakeholder agencies. The TA team collaborate with ADB’s Social Development Thematic Group with respect to social and gender analysis, monitoring, communication, and public outreach. The two outputs result in the following outcome: efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability in delivery of selected public and social services in target districts improved. The TA is aligned with the following impact: an efficient and financially sustainable social protection system built on boosting human development and national economic growth. The TA enable the RGC to benefit from ADB technical expertise, access to regional experiences, and link to ADB’s ongoing projects.
Engagement Period: 83 MONTH