Technical Assistance and Consulting Services for Institutional Support to Council of Justice and Judicial Department
Start Date:Jan 1, 2010
End Date:Dec 31, 2010
Sectors: Inst. Devt. & Cap. building, Justice Reform
Client: Judicial Reforms PIU.
Within the framework of this project Ameria, in consortium with Human Dynamics (Austria), was contracted to provide wide range of services to the decision-makers within the judiciary of the Republic of Armenia with a comprehensive recommendation package with sufficient information to consider using the relevant tools, mechanisms and criteria for evaluation, promotion and disciplining of judges. Moreover, the project concentrated its efforts to provide the Council of Justice and its staff with technical assistance and training to design, prepare and implement objective procedures and criteria for the improvement of the Justice System administrative and institutional capacity. During the implementation of the project the consultant also reviewed and analyzed the best international practice regarding judge selection, nomination, evaluation, promotion and disciplining. Based on the identified legal, institutional, administrative, methodological and procedural gaps the Consultant elaborated recommendations package aimed at improvement of judge selection, evaluation, promotion and disciplining systems, as well as provided recommendations on improvement of judicial statistics system.