Paving the way for the Mediterranean Solar Plan (MSP)
Locations:Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine / West Bank & Gaza, Syria, Tunisia
Start Date:Sep 1, 2010
End Date:Sep 1, 2013
Contract value: EUR 4,642,500
Sectors: Electrical Engineering, Energy
Categories:Consulting services
Funding Agencies:
Date posted:Oct 22, 2012
The purpose of the project is that the conditions favourable to the increased use of renewable energy in general and solar energy in particular are improved, across all the Southern Mediterranean Partner Countries. The focus is on renewable energy, combined with energy efficiency and savings.
The Service Contract will aim to achieve results that include, inter alia, progress in the establishment of a harmonised legislative and regulatory framework, strengthened institutional capacity, improvement in knowledge transfer and capacity building in renewable energy technologies, and an improved business climate. Attention shall also be paid to tackling issues related to the guarantees of origin.
The project shall support and coordinate activities among various stakeholders, targeting e.g. Ministries in charge of energy, finance, social affairs; industry; the research community; and International Financing Institutions. Activities should enhance synergies with ongoing EU- and other donor-funded cooperation, as well as reinforce existing energy agencies and their networks, collaborate with the MEDREG Association of Euro-Mediterranean energy Regulators, as well as coordinate with the European Industrial Initiative “Solar Europe” of the EU Strategic Energy Technologies (SET) Plan and ongoing initiatives under the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7).