Asian Development Bank (HQ)

Education Quality Improvement Project - Project Preparation Technical Assistance

Last update: Jun 11, 2015 Last update: Jun 11, 2015


Start Date:Jan 1, 2006
End Date:Dec 31, 2007
Sectors:Education, Inst. Devt. & Cap. building
Education, Inst. Devt. & Cap. building
Categories:Consulting services
Date posted:Sep 2, 2013

Associated funding

Associated experts


Cambridge Education assisted the Royal Government of Cambodia in preparing for the Education Quality Improvement Project aiming to build the capacity of the workforce within the education sector to deliver quality schooling.

Cambodia had made significant progress in education in the five years prior to the start of this project and considerably increased school enrolment and equitable access to basic education. However, a number of issues remained – girls and children in ethnic minority areas were significantly underrepresented in secondary grades, annual repetition and dropout rates at the primary and secondary levels remained high and there was a need to improve the monitoring of improvements and education standards.

To address these issues, the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MOEYS) shifted their attention to strengthening the quality and efficiency of the education sector. Despite previous external assistance, the Government’s management and institutional capacity to carry out the reform programmes remained constrained and dependent on external Technical Assistance. Thus a key component of this project was capacity building. Cambridge Education provided technical assistance to the Royal Government of Cambodia for the preparation stage of the Education Quality Improvement Project, which was to focus on building capacity of national staff to deliver quality school education.

Building capacity to improve quality
Consultants worked with national counterparts to conduct assessments and played an advisory role to consider how to develop school-enhancement activities to improve children’s education, including the building of new libraries, investing in education materials, providing teacher training, and improving the environments around schools.

Cambridge Education assisted the MOEYS to undertake a comprehensive review of the areas that support quality in education, including assessment of institutional management capacity of departments and institutions responsible for teacher training, curriculum development, textbook preparation and distribution, student performance and examinations. Following the review, the consultants assisted the MoEYS to prepare a feasibility study for ADB support to enhance the quality of school education by strengthening the capacity of departments and institutions involved in the sector.

The study set out the full scope of interventions across the whole education sector that could improve education quality in Cambodia.  Key areas of focus for improving education quality which were felt to be achievable were later drawn out from the report by the Government of Cambodia and implementing agencies involved in the Education Quality Improvement Project to inform interventions within this project.

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