Reconstruction Credit Institute /Kreditanstalt fur Wiederaufbau (HQ)

Health Sector Programme (SWAp)

Last update: Mar 23, 2015 Last update: Mar 23, 2015


Start Date:Nov 1, 2006
End Date:Nov 30, 2008
Contract value: EUR 1,100,000
Sectors:Health, Monitoring & Evaluation, Training
Health, Monitoring & Evaluation, Training
Categories:Consulting services
Date posted:Oct 10, 2013

Associated funding

Associated experts


In 2005, the Ministry of Health (MoH) of the Kyrgyz Republic developed a strategy of further health sector development, the "Manas Taalimi” Health Care Reform Program. In order to support MoH with implementation of the reform program, an international development association was formed to align donor support, which is mainly provided through budget support to the MoH.

KfW supports this process with funds to the SWAp and accompanying measures. These will assist the MoH with restructuring and optimization of health systems and monitoring of the Manas Taalimi implementation progress.

Services Rendered:

Main task within the Accompanying Measures is the monitoring of the Manas Taalimi program and the integration of vertical programs into the general service delivery system. Additional tasks include:

  • the specific optimisation and restructuring of health facilities,
  • training of technicians,
  • inventorisation of health facilities,
  • development of a maintenance concept and
  • the development of norms and standards for service provision by medical and laboratory facilities,
  • support to quality assurance, supervision and continued education systems.

Some of these tasks are implemented together with the partner, Avanco Consulting Services.

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