Evaluation of the attainment of the expected results under Yemen CSP 2007-2013
Start Date:Jul, 2015
End Date:Apr, 2016
Contract value: EUR 145,360
Sectors: Monitoring & Evaluation
Categories:Consulting services
Funding Agencies:
Date posted:Jan 25, 2022
Ref N°: 516
Client: EUD
Detailed description of project
This assignment aims to evaluate the results so far achieved through the EU support delivered under the CSP 2007-2013 which has focused on:
Strategic objective 1: To assist the Yemeni government to promote good governance by:
- Supporting democratisation through the strengthening of Yemen’s democratic institutions;
- Promoting human rights and civil society; and
- Supporting Yemeni government reforms in the judicial sector, the civil administration and decentralisation.
Strategic objective 2: In line with the first Millennium Development Goals, to strengthen the Yemen government’s capacities to fight poverty and hunger by:
- Fostering private sector development through support for sustainable development in the agriculture and fisheries sector and for reforms aimed at improving the regulatory framework for investments, business and trade; and
- Contributing to human capital development through support for reproductive health policies and for strengthening the delivery of basic services.
The specific objectives of the consultancy are:
- Based on data available and on process analysis, revise and evaluate the results so far achieved, by contract and by FA, concurring to the objectives described in the CSP;
- Promote the uptake of findings for the EU Delegation staff.
The methodology will be based on desk reviews and phone interviews as no trip to Yemen seems feasible in the near future. The desk review will be based on contract reports and previous punctual evaluations that will be made available and it will be complemented by interviews with EU Delegation project managers as well as, if feasible, with interviews with counterparts in Yemen. Triangulation and qualitative validation of findings will be needed in consideration of the fact that no field phase is foreseen.
Type of services provided
The consultant is responsible for producing the following outputs:
- A final technical report with the following characteristics:
- For each contract evaluated and for each FA evaluated, a separate report describing both methodology and findings; the minimum standard expected is based on the ROM template for evaluations (15 FA and a total of 65 contracts);
- A separate report focusing on the uptake of knowledge for the EU Delegation staff (see below);
- A separate report outlining the roll out of the mission, reporting on all major bottlenecks encountered.
- A final workshop of maximum one day for consolidation of the data collected and elaborated by project and by financing agreement;
- A final workshop of 1 day focusing on strategies for evidence uptake of the EU Delegation (and eventually of Yemeni counterparts);
- A support facility to be delivered upon request of the EU Delegation in a period of maximum 4 months following the workshop and focusing on streamlining of the chain objective-expected results-indicators for EU programming documents, tenders and call for proposals or contracts of a substantial amount. Demands can come at any time during the implementation of this contract.
PROMAN provides the services of 2 evaluators (out of a team of 4).