Mid-term Evaluation of the Support programme for improving the competitivity and trading capacity of SMEs and co-operatives
Start Date:Jan, 2020
End Date:May, 2020
Contract value: EUR 157,780
Sectors: Monitoring & Evaluation, SME & Private Sector, Trade
Categories:Consulting services
Funding Agencies:
Date posted:Feb 2, 2022
Ref N°: 644
Client: EUD
Detailed description of project
The specific objective of the support programme is to improve the competitiveness of MSME’s and cooperatives to meet market requirements.
Expected results include:
- Improved capacity of national quality and MSF institutions for greater compliance with formal market requirements by MSMEs and cooperatives;
- Enhanced capacity of MINECO to support the competitiveness of MSMEs and cooperatives to access formal markets and link to value chains;
- Improved public-private dialogue at the territorial level to support the competitiveness of MSMEs and cooperatives in the prioritized departments; and
- Competitiveness and enhanced commercial capacity of MSMEs and cooperatives supported to access formal markets and link to value chains.
The objective of the mission is to undertake a mid-term evaluation of the programme.
Type of services provided
Evaluation using the standard five DAC evaluation criteria namely: relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, sustainability and impact.
In addition, two specific EU evaluation criteria will be analysed in the evaluation:
- The added value of the EU (the additional advantages of the Action compared to an intervention only from the MS); and
- Internal coherence of the Action and coherence with the European Union’s cooperation strategy in Guatemala and with other EU policies and actions of the MS.
Main staff provided:
- Team leader (38 w/d);
- Sector specialists (102 w/d).