Evaluation of the Project of Institutional Support to GON and Preparation of a Successor Project
Start Date:Mar 1, 2003
End Date:May 1, 2003
Sectors: Inst. Devt. & Cap. building, Monitoring & Evaluation
Funding Agencies:
Date posted:Oct 25, 2013
The objective of the assignment was final evaluation of the project, 6.ACP.MOZ.103 supporting the GON (Gabinete do Ordenador Nacional) and the preparation of a successor intervention for the period 2003-07.
The specific objective was to enhance the Commission’s and the NAO’s knowledge (National Authorising Officer) of current and past activities in support to the GON, making available timely information at operational and strategic levels so as to allow for improvements in a proposal for a continuation of the EDF support to the GON from mid 2003 to end 2007.