
Technical assistance to the Non State Actors strengthening programme in Gambia
Start Date:2009
End Date:2012
Contract value: EUR 440,000
Sectors: Civil Society & NGOs, Inst. Devt. & Cap. building
Categories:Consulting services
Funding Agencies:
Date posted:Oct 25, 2013
The overall objective of the programme is to contribute to good governance, poverty reduction and the enhancement of sustainable livelihood.
The purpose of the programme is to strengthen the capacities of NSAs to play an active role in development processes and public life in The Gambia. Strengthening NSAs capacities will enable them to better influence the direction of local and national development endeavours, contribute more effectively to the local, national and international communication process and participate fully in the promotion of good governance, transparency and individual integrity for the benefit of the whole country.
The NSA Strengthening Programme aims to achieve improvement in NSAs capacities, knowledge and skills, particularly in regard to awareness-raising on rights and duties, specific organizational/management proficiencies and practical project management competencies.