Tamil Nadu Irrigated Agriculture Modernization Project: Procurement of Growth promoter (TNAU Pulse wonder) for the intervention entitled "Pulse seed production -24 ha in Thirumanimuthar Sub basin under TN IAM Project-Phase II-3rd year
Start Date:Sep 24, 2021
End Date:Oct 24, 2021
Contract value: INR 10,560
Sectors: Agriculture
Project ID: P158522
Project Title: Tamil Nadu Irrigated Agriculture Modernization Project
Borrower Bid Reference: 37/TNIAMP/TNAU/TMR/GOODS/PHASE-II/21-22
Scope of Contract: Procurement of Pulse wonder for Pulse seed production -24 ha from Department of Crop Physiology, TNAU, Coimbatore
Duration of Contract: 1 Month(s)