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Third party Monitoring for Yemen Emergency Electricity Access Project (YEEAP)

Last update: Feb 3, 2023 Last update: Feb 03, 2023


Start Date:Aug 31, 2018
End Date:Jul 31, 2022
Sectors:Energy, Monitoring & EvaluationEnergy, Monitoring & Evaluation
Categories:Consulting services
Funding Agencies:
Date posted:Jun 27, 2022

Associated funding

Associated experts


Name of legal entity providing references: UNOPS

Detailed project description:

YEEAP is designed to be four years in duration with a total funding of $50 million by implementing planned interventions around the country, through the followings:

Providing Basic Electricity Supply to Households.

Restoring Electricity Supply to Critical Services Facilities.

Restoring Electricity Supply to Covid-19 Isolation Units.

Providing Basic Electricity Supply to Covid-19 Rapid Response Teams.

YEEAP has six Implementing Partners and as follows:

AZAL Microfinance, Al-Amal Microfinance Bank, National Microfinance Foundation, YKB for Trading and Investment, Al-Kuraimi Bank and Al-Tadhamon Microfinance Institution.

Detailed description of the assignment (Services/Supplies/Works):

The key objective of the assignment is to undertake independent results verification of subprojects and activities funded under the Project and to report on the outputs.

The Scope of the assignment is based on the Project requirements for monitoring of results as set forth in the Project Appraisal Document (PAD), and the Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF).

Specific Objectives and Requirements:

To verify subproject implementation that individual sub-projects meet quality and technical standards to achieve desired results.

To verify of existence of sub-projects' deliverables and final results at the time of completion to confirm the restoration of services for the intended beneficiaries.

To Identify an immediate reporting of any irregularities or red flags to UNOPS wherever it has a huge impact on the subprojects.



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